“Till it happens to you, you don’t know how I feel” | Sanjeevani 4 U

“Till it happens to you, you don’t know how I feel”

The first time I heard this on 93.9FM I was on the highway driving on the speedy lane. The line slowed me down. I moved to a slower one. Lady Gaga sings this and I felt it was a personal message from all of us who have suffered any form of abuse.
Abuse in any form is degenerative for our souls. Our self esteem , our pride takes a plunge. We feel marginalized, helpless or we totally ignore it. But feeling it or ignoring doesn’t make it go away. Neither does #domestic violence.
If you are suffering so much, why do you stay?
We stay for a multitude of reasons;
Fear of the Unknown;
Love on the face of it; 
Family Bonds;
Monetary Worries;
Shame and Society;
Isolation from all we know….
But speaking to a first responder service like #sanjeevani4u makes life a lot more easier as we provide a method to deal with the madness. You can make better informed decisions and handle your life better with the resources in your kitty.
Don’t take any abuse in any form, lightly. Be aware. Be Strong and Be careful. Call us today anytime.